Optimax helps you break into the Danish market
We know the Danish market and can help you find its potential for your business.
We can:
- Carry out market analysis
- Check customer preferences
- Find suitable agents and dealers
- Work out a strategy that will work in Denmark
- Help you set up and register a company in Denmark.
Optimax offers down-to-earth solutions that work
Optimax offers down-to-earth solutions that work we can even provide a temporary management team for your start-up in Denmark. That way you can begin selling straightaway, even before you have taken on any permanent staff.
Optimax gives you inside information
We can be your Danish sparring partner, helping you work out a strategy that will work in the Danish market. We can help you through the rules and regulations that often entangle foreign companies. We can help you find the contacts you need, and we can answer your questions on “Danish mentality”.
Optimax helps your company get the most out of Denmark
Optimax was established in 1998 by Joergen S. Lauritsen (picture), who has degrees in both engineering and business economics (specializing in organization and strategic planning). He also has considerable business experience in both production and administration.
Optimax is backed by a network of collaborating partners with expertise in the fields of financial backing, strategy development, company expansion, marketing, communication, and pro-active selling.
Please contact us at
We are situated in the Copenhagen region.
Islevdalvej 214
DK – 2610 Rødovre
Phone: +45 4352 6699
Jørgen Lauritsen har udarbejdet en samlet forretningsplan plus en plan til hver filial. Vi indledte med at nedsætte en gruppe af nøglepersoner, som tog rundt til møder hos samtlige filialer for at inddrage dem i processen.